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Resources to get started:















To accomplish this webquest, you will need to complete the following steps.

  1. First you’ll have one class period in the computer lab to look through the supplied websites(below) and form a personal opinion on the subject of fracking (are you for, or against it).

    1. To help you choose a side, read through the supplied websites, and take down pros and cons that would help you to argue your side- you will need 5 pros and 5 cons to get top marks (see rubric under "evaluation").

    2. As you fill out your T- chart, try to think of related pros and cons. For example, pro: supplies oil and gas for product we need everyday. Con: To create these products we are polluting the environment.





  1. Once you've picked a side, you will be placed in a group with 1-2 other people, who share your same opinion

    1. Share your findings from your individual research day.

    2. Decide what kind of presentation you’d like to create- Get this format of presentation approved by your teacher.


  1. You will have two days to do all of the following: continue research with your group, back up your opinion, and create a presentation to present at City Hall, which will persuade everyone that your choice is the best option. Your presentation should be approximately 5-8 minutes.

    1. You will need to divide the work. One person can search for other websites or news articles that support your group’s opinion. A second can start organizing your groups ideas, and forming persuasive arguments.  If you have a third person, they can choose multimedia (video clips, pictures, etc) and start on the presentation.


  1. We will have one day of presentations- a mock “City Hall Meeting” where everyone will present their arguments. Every group member should play a part in presenting your group’s decision.


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